Friday, November 13, 2015

Circa 2016: Your social profile gets plugged in to wi-fi networks!

Undoubtedly, that’s the biggest advantage consumers will have when wi-fi enabled devices get plugged into your social profile and fetch data from it. Right now your wrist band or bicycle may be tracking the number of calories you burnt and offering the updates on your timeline. But the real fun will begin when the reverse happens.
• So, if you are participating in a high –octane event like a half-marathon your bicycle or treadmill may coax you to run faster, better and spend more time in order to be better prepared for the upcoming event.
• If you have back to back meetings scheduled in different cities or countries, and you have tweeted about them on your facebook or twitter page then your smartphone will give periodic reminders so that you do not miss your all important flight.
• All these phenomenon will initially occur in the developed world where Wi-Fi enabled homes are the norm but the real growth of IOT or internet of things is expected in the developing world.
It’s not that non-English speaking affluent middle-classes are averse to technology or their lack of computer literacy makes them put off electronic purchases. In reality, they want to figure out how these things work and make them an integral part of their lives. No wonder rural areas in developing world have skipped the landline, fixed line phase and leapfrogged directly from postcards to mobiles as they could figure out that the cost of making a call is less than a postcard.
• Chances are they will lap up wi-fi enabled devices, just as fast as they have embraced mobiles and millions of users are expected to join the social media bandwagon in the times to come.
• Keep watching this space, it is bound to get very exciting with technology creating billion dollar industries overnight and making legacy applications obsolete equally faster.
Technology is like a flowing river, it finds its own way through rocks, crevices, mountains by sheer force and reaches humanity bringing all round prosperity along with it.

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